Continuing Medical Education DEMO

Online CME course for - Diabetes

Prof. Itamar Raz, MD

Do we need new guidelines in diabetes?

Prof. Amir Tirosh, MD PhD

1. Type 2 diabetes – risk factors
2. Type 1 Diabetes

Prof. Tali Cukierman-Yaffe , MD

1. The challenge of healthy aging with diabetes
2. Cognitive Dysfunction-a Complication of Diabetes

Prof. Uriel Elchalal MD

Diabetes In Pregnancy and beyond

Prof. Ram Weiss M.D

echnological innovations in the treatment of type 1 diabetes

Michal Gillon-Keren, R.D, PhD

Medical Nutrition Therapy in Diabetes Management

Prof. Ehud Grossman, M.D

Hypertension - In diabetes mellitus

Dr. Idit Dotan, M.D, MSc

Obesity - The plague of the 21st century

Prof. Nasser Sakran M.D

Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery

Prof. Natan M. Bornstein M.D

Diabetes and the Brain, the “wicked game”

Dr. Tuvia Ben Gal, MD

Management of the diabetic Heart Failure patient

Prof. Rifaat Safadi M.D

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Prof. Avivit Cahn M.D

The Diabetic Foot

In collaboration with the National Diabetes Council (INDC), we have produced an extensive and up-to-date course for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diabetes, which will be the INDC diabetes school.

It is widely known that diabetes is a pandemic, and it is estimated that by 2025, there will be 320 million patients worldwide. In China, the projected diabetic population is expected to increase rapidly from 141 million in 2020 to over 200 million by 2050. In India, There are currently close to 80 million people with diabetes in India and this number is expected to increase to 135 million by 2045.

Numerous factors could influence the prevalence of diabetes in the future, including changes in lifestyle, dietary patterns, healthcare policies, and advancements in medical technology.

Diabetes is one of the main causes of death, and diabetes-related complications affect many organs and damage both life quality and expectancy.

As the number of active endocrinologists and diabetes specialists cannot provide a proper response to all patients, initial medical professionals are crucial in diagnosing and treating patients.
However, the knowledge required to be familiar with new medications, technologies, and associated diseases such as obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and damage to target organs increases daily. Keeping up-to-date requires time and high-quality professional knowledge and materials.

INDC and SignifiCast are constantly working on educational programs for a wide range of medical professionals. The aim of this online course is to encompass multiple subjects related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diabetes, including the most recent recommended guidelines.


Prof. Itamar Raz, chairman of the INDC, serving as academic management. Prof. Raz, a world-renowned diabetes researcher, served as the president of the INDC for the last 12 years and headed the diabetes unit at Hadassah Ein Karem Medical Center.

The Israeli Medical Association (IMA) recognizes the course for CME points for Israeli doctors.